Investing in the past 

The predecessors of NN invest to borrow and increase capital. Early on, socially responsible investing is an unknown concept and investing in shares is exceptional, as the companies want solid investments and low risks. Mortgages and loans are provided to municipalities. 

Only later will they invest in securities, shares and bonds, aimed at spreading risk, but always with great caution. Around the 1930s, insurers also start investing in real estate, which has a stable return. As a result, houses and even farms and estates become the property of society. Sometimes the importance of the good name plays a role. In 1955, the Nationale Levensverzekering-Bank wants to expand the farm property by buying a homestead in Friesland because ‘it would be good-will cultivated in the region‘.

In the late 1980s, Nationale-Nederlanden starts asset management activities, investing for third parties. Following the 1991 merger with NMB Postbank Groep, the Nationale-Nederlanden Security and Loans department and the Asset Management ING Bank combine to become ING Asset Management. Investments are made for the combined insurance company and for big corporate investors and funds.

Today, investing is concerned with a need for transparency and the speed with which data is analysed. Investing is also more in line with social wishes, with attention to long-term value creation, and the cooperation of all stakeholders. NN Investment Partners (NN IP) today is a large asset manager with a range of successful and attractive products and services. Responsible investing lies at the heart of NN IP’s investment approach, with a framework that integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.