David Knibbe

Proud to be part of this milestone

This year marks 175 years of Nationale-Nederlanden, since our first predecessor was founded in Zutphen, the Netherlands.

In 1845, two entrepreneurial insurance agents, Gerrit Jan Dercksen and Christiaan Henny, started their own fire insurance company. They were committed to doing what was best for their customers and they had a strong connection to society. Dercksen and Henny could not have imagined that their adventure would grow to the company we are now, 175 years later! 

The many different chapters in NN’s history have made us the strong international financial services company we are today. Our history shows us that entrepreneurship, investing in new developments, and being a responsible corporate citizen have always been key to who we are. Helping to establish a volunteer fire brigade, being one of the first companies in the Netherlands to acquire IBM 360 in the 1960s, and being among the first insurers to move to Central and Eastern Europe in the 1990s are great examples of this. 

The stories that define our history, and that are collected in this magazine, are colourful and insightful. For example, in 1956 our predecessor RVS built an apartment building especially for single working women in Rotterdam, who could not otherwise get their own home. We have come a long way as a society since the 1950s. When I was studying, some of my fellow students lived in this building. Even today the RVS logo is still on the building, which always reminds me of the rich history our company has. 

You can find many interesting stories, images, advertisements and photos in this online magazine, which was especially created for the celebration of 175 years of Nationale-Nederlanden. 

Based on the work of the thousands of colleagues before us, we are all creating new stories every day. Let’s together be proud of all the years we have served our customers with care and of how we have grown, changed and developed into the company we are today! Happy reading! 
